Monday, October 20, 2008

Environment Final

Environmental Concept

The infection has spread, and the city has gone into a panic. The police try to evacuate the most “important” figures in the city. The people need someone to make decisions, right? Families try to make it to the only bridge separating the city. Zombies start to pollute the streets feeding on the living. The dawn comes and it is time, the beginning of the end. Cars left behind on the streets because of traffic and a panic leads people to become greedy. Not only does one have to worry about zombies killing them, but also their fellow humans. Crows come and feed on the dead and try to make home in what is left behind. The stench is uncontrollable and the air is thick and humid. A fog starts to set in and the sky darkens as the world adjusts to its newest creation. Zombies.

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